„If you’re ever in New York, please do drop by”

He's always with me

András Böröcz - artist

I am very lucky that over the years we have met several times in Budapest as well. We are both from Buda, we grew up near Moszkva tér with a quarter-of-a-century difference and we both ended up in New York. The main topics of our conversations are Budapest, Hungarian art, culture and history. Due to our age difference, Miklós' experiences and memories of his childhood and the siege of Budapest, and then of the 1950s, are very important to me. Another important topic is the railway. Miklós traveled through several continents by train. He is a big fan of the railway, he knows the railway maps and timetables well. Whenever I travel on a train, I always think of Miklós, just like when I walk in Budapest at the Castle or do my art in Brooklyn. He's always with me.

András Böröcz, visual artist, New York.

Ilona Keserű, Sky, Mountain, Water, 1982
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