Böröcz András: Talált és kitalált tárgyak // András Böröcz:Non-objective Objects

III. terem 4. nézet // 3rd Hall 4th View


Rajzok tojásokon: hordók I–XXIII. / Drawings on Eggs: Barrels I–XXIII., 1993–1994

tojás, tus, papír / eggs, ink, paper (I–X.: 9,5×12×9 cm, XI–XXIII.: 10×7,5×7 cm)

2B Galéria, Budapest


Hordók tojásokon | Barrels on Eggs, 2012 (videó megktekintése / click here to watch)


animáció / animation

Közreműködő / Collaboration with Brill Audio Visual Kft.


Bal-Jobb – Igen-Nem / Left-Right – Yes-No, 2012

tölgyfa, mahagóni, dátumpecsételő / oak, mahogany, date stamper (56×37×25 cm)


Foucault szerencséje / Foucault’s Luck, 2012

tölgy, mahagóni, kalapács / oak, mahogany, hammer (60×29×19 cm)


Leszögezett / Nail Down, 2012     

strucctojás, tus, tölgy, kalapács, szög, mágnes / ostrich egg, ink, oak, hammer, nail, magnet (20×45×16 cm)


Térdreflex / Knee Reflex, 2012

kalapács, gombostű, tölgy, mahagóni / hammer, straight pins, oak, mahogany (31×57×20 cm)


Tanulmányok a performanszokhoz / Studies for Performances

11 Grapefruits (2012-2013)

Telehor (2016)

Yads (2011)


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András Böröcz: Drawings on Eggs I-XXIII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 1993 and 2014 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: 2B Gallery.

András Böröcz: Left-Right - Yes-No
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2012 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Foucault’s Luck
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2012 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Nail Down
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2012 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Knee Reflex
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2012 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance I.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance II.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance III.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance IV.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance V.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance VI.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance VII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance VIII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance IX.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the 11 Grapefruits Performance X.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2013 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Telehor Performance I.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2016 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Telehor Performance II.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2016 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Telehor Performance III.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2016 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance I.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance II.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance III.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance IV.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance V.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance VI.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance VII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance VIII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Yads Performance IX.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2011 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.