Böröcz András: Talált és kitalált tárgyak // András Böröcz:Non-objective Objects

III. terem 7. nézet // 3rd Hall 7th View


Performansz kellékek / Performance Props, 2013–2017


Kalitkamaszk / Cage Mask, 2012

tölgyfa, vas-zsanér és zár – a Kanári a szénbényában c. performansz kelléke / oak, metal hindges & lock – prop of the Canary in the Coal Mine performance (34×30×23 cm)


Székmaszk / Chair Mask, 2015

tölgyfa szék – a Letitz & Fuchs c. performansz kelléke  / oak chair – prop of the Leitz and Fuchs performance (53×33×33 cm)


Telehor installáció / Telehor Installation, 2014

a Telehor c. műsor kellékei: Telehor katalógus, tojások, tojásszeletelők, körző, vízfesték, könyv alakú fadobozban, patkók, szobrok, vécépumpák, gyertyák stb. / the props of the Telehor performance: Telehor catalog, eggs, egg slicers, compass, watercolor, book-shaped wooden box, horse shoes, sculptures, toilet plungers, candles etc.


Kanári a szénbányában I. / Canary in the Coal Mine 1, 2012 (videó megtekintése / click here to watch)


Radiator Gallery, New York

Video: Palotai Klára


Telehor, 2013 -2016 (videó megketintése / click here to watch)


Video: PALOTAI Klára


Greenpoint I., 2016 (videó megtekintése / click here to watch)


Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York

Video: PALOTAI Klára


Tanulmányok a Kockadobás performanszhoz / Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance, 2017


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András Böröcz: Performance Props
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created between 2012 and 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Cage Mask
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork war created in 2015 by András Böröcz in New York. The object is a prop of the Canary in the Coal Mine performance. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Chair Mask
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2015 by András Böröcz in New York the object is a prop of the Leitz and Fuchs performance. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Telehor installation
(Collection of András Böröcz)

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András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance I.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

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András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance III.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance III.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance IV.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance V.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance VI.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance VII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance VIII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance IX.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance X.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance XI.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance XII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance XIII.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.

András Böröcz: Studies for the Roll of the Dice Performance XIV.
(Collection of András Böröcz)

This artwork was created in 2017 by András Böröcz in New York. The owner of this artwork: András Böröcz.